District 7 Patarrá

Data of the district No.7 Patarrá

Patarrá: Villa

Surface area: 15,87 km2

Population (according to Census 2011): 11,921 inhabitants and 3,384 dwellings

Altitude: 1,200 meters above sea level.


Administrative Territorial Division:


Patarra * /. Towns: Spa, Calle Mesas, Los Cipreses, Polini, Quebrada Honda *.

Guatuso *. Towns: Aguacate, Barrio Corazón De María, Calle A Quebradillas, Calle Ricacho, Cementos Del Valle, Don Bosco, El Ocaso, El Triunfo, Gloria (East), Guizaro, Jerusalem, Lynx, The Alps (Barrio El Bosque), Ticalpes (West), Urb. Brittany, Urb. Marón.


Public Educational Institutions:

  • Escuela Juan Monge Guillén
  • Escuela República Federal Alemana
  • Escuela Guatuzo
  • Escuela Quebrada Honda
  • Colegio Técnico Profesional Máximo Quesada

Historical review:

According to Carlos Gagini, the name Patarra comes from a bejuco named Putarra. Rich deposits of mollejón were also exploited, which was exported for many years to Nicaragua. The history of the district runs parallel to national history. Their formation is lost in the annals; Is the most representative zone of the geological evolution of Costa Rica, demonstrated with limestone impregnated with marine shell.

Important archaeological discoveries demonstrate the existence of indigenous settlements in the place of scarce economic resources; With the arrival of the Spaniards and their establishment in Costa Rica. The area was known as "Los Horcones", important because it was within the route that communicated to the Central Valley with the colonial capital: Cartago; This road was known by the name of "Las Amoladeras", hence the strong influence of the Carthagin in its development, especially from 1850, with the arrival of the Monge families. After 1862, the first local politicians were introduced: Don Mariano Monge Guillen, First Municipal President of the young canton of Sao Paulo and Juan Monge Guillen, first Municipal Vice President, both of Patarra's favorite children.

The Monge families, always worried about the development of the educational field, and today this development manifests itself in this locality. Patarra, unique name, unique for its rich traditions, the exploitation of lime, makes the greatest emblem is the lime. Of national prestige, are the celebrations that take place in Patarra, the same in the sports field, they emphasize the "championships of jupas", whose objective is to share with relatives and friends in the paddocks and to realize sales of Creole food. Since 1926 he has a church for religious services, under the patronage of St. John the Baptist, we suppose that by the insinuation of Don Juan Monge Guillen, who always celebrated splendidly his anomástico. His current temple cost 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand accurate colones). His two previous temples were built by the presbyters Don Rosendo de Jesus Valenciano and Elias Valenciano Rivera. Patarrá is one of the most picturesque places of Desamparados and should be exploited within the national tourism.


Calera Patarrá

La Cuna de las Caleras

As they say, since nothing was written, and what we now know we heard from the oldest, is that for some three hundred years is produced lime in Patarra.

Who brought it? We do not know.

How did you learn to do it? We do not know either

But what we do know is that they used the lime for the construction of houses of adobe, making a mixture of lime, mud, cane and with luck any other thing that was found. They also used it to ground the soils (lime works as a neutralizer in the soil, this is like taking an effervescent, neutralizes the acidity and this makes the nutrients (foods) better consumed.

In addition they used it to peel the corn, throwing in a pot with boiling water the ear of corn with a little lime. After a while, fresh corn and peladito to make tortillas and everything else.


Calera Patarrá: Today, tomorrow and always

Currently Calera Patarra S.A. Is the one that produces the lime for the Costa Rican. Calera Patarra is guided today by a new generation with the wisdom of the old.

We have produced lime for 16 years with the wisdom of the last 200 years.

Yes sir!!!

But what is the point of all this? What interests all of this is that you know that they can use lime and where to find it. Lime has a hundred thousand and one use, but some of the uses in which you can use it in the house or in your work are:

To prepare paint: water and lime in a stump for 3 days in quantities to your liking, more dense lime, less lime and you will have paint to paint walls and what you want.

Cal to mark courts. There is no better way to score a course than lime. With lime if you can see "A hand inside the area".

Lime for the garden or the coffee plantation. Like an effervescent to your stomach. A soil with optimum acidity makes it easier to assimilate nutrients (food). It paid and has no more results !! Apply lime and after thirty days we'll talk. Additionally lime is used to:

Like leathers (peeling leathers).
Road base.
Cane process to produce sugar.
Purification of water.
In the process of gold.
Lime is made by burning limestone. The limestone has a similar shape as the quarried stone quarries, it is not round and is the same that is used in the manufacture of cement.

The history of lime and its manufacture comes from Roman and Egyptian times and they showed us how to manufacture and use it. Today we make it like them and we make highways and we paint house for us.